Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Life Updates

Since, some of you might be wondering what I am up to, I endeavor to satisfy your queries by one good answer.

I am up to no good.

For now.

I finished my GRE, TOEFL quite a while ago. Did my applications to nine univs and got into only four – Now that’s a slap in the face – Some univs of really low rank have turned me down and some univs of really high rank have taken me in. Laws of life are topsy turvy. Or maybe this does prove murphy’s law – Anyway in this case, its all good – I’d rather have admits from better univs and rejects from mediocre univs than the other way round.

To settle my scores, meaning for those of you who don’t know me – Here is a great way to know - a direct link to my Résumé. Please check it out. If you are in charge of a company, please feel free in offering me a job – preferably online work. It would be nice to earn on the side, when I’m studying.

For those who think my GRE score is 1460/1600 – its not – my scores were first erroneously reported. It is 1450/1600. The last report that came home had it right. You may ask what the heck is there in a difference of 10 points. Trust me – there is a world of difference. And my TOEFL CBT score is 300/300. (Allright – I’m openly boasting here – feel free to pelt me with potatoes next time you see me – preferably fried).

My good offers of admission were from Texas A & M University, North Carolina State University and Iowa State University. My MS is to be in Computer Engineering which is different from Computer Science (One is hardware and the other is software – for those who are not in this field).

I have chosen North Carolina State University for now. My cousin did the same course there, seven years ago, and he says the faculty are still there and they’re good. He’s now in a great position in INTEL. So he must be right. Viva la NC State.

Waiting for the Visa appointment date. Fingers crossed.

Just watched Spiderman – 3 and saw that it was a very normal masala film of the Bollywood type. I didn’t like it when Harry died. He didn’t say any good last liners. I am a person who loves a good last line for a guy who’s dying. People out there – think of a good last liner right now – better to be prepared for it.

A gangster’s line : “Who put this violin in my violin case ?”

Or in different ‘lines’ : “Who put this guitar in my guitar case ?”

(The second one is for guys who don’t like violins – If you don’t like both violins and guitars, then a gangster cant be possibly made to carry a piano case.)

Think of great last lines for james bond villains, like :-

"OK, I shall tell you my evil plan, because you'll be dead anyway..."
"No, I'll take him out myself."
"Yes, I will engage you in hand to hand combat, Mr. Bond..."

How about the villain’s henchmen :-

"He's only one guy; how much trouble can he be?"
"We have him cornered, there's no way he'll escape this!"
"He's out of bullets, we got him now Bob! Uh, Bob..."

Or just plain last lines :-

"No officer YOU put Your gun down!"
"Cut the red wire, not the green one."
“I hate you and your entire family, Mr.Corleone.”

Think out a last line for yourself. I invite all you guys to put in any good last lines as comments.

My eight member gang. I'm the third guy from the left - with only my rotund face peeking out.

[Updates on my life]

- Abhishek Ranganathan

{Why pay a dollar for a bookmark? Why not use the dollar for a bookmark? – Steven Spielberg}