Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Eating habits die hard

As an unwritten, invisible rule, a few of the students in my class (me included) select a new place to eat, every week or so, by comparing past induvidual experiences or new attractive offers from restaurants and eateries all over Chennai. Each guy would be asked to suggest a place and after a careful reviewal and a complete analysis, the members of this group would pass a vote over this new eatout. Only if a proper majority is obtained, do we actually go to this place.

Usually after we decide on this place, we decide on the day and time and make sure that everubody remembers it by calling or messaging each other. Then, when the golden day arrives, we plan proper road routes and meet-ups on the way so that we get there on time and we get there together. When the golden hour dawns, we leave early and make sure that we arent actualy holding up the others. Payment is purely on an induvidual basis and usual restaurant choices are those that weigh more on our stomachs and less on our pockets. When we finally do get there, we eat. Planning for almost a week literally goes down the drain, a few hours after eating (you can make that in less than an hour, when your stomach is unable to adapt).

We then stay at the joint, continuously talking about going someplace else and having fun, but all we do at that point is talk and go back home. And, before we leave, an instant official poll is taken about the place, its value, the taste of food, quantity, quality, price, and most important of all - is it good enough to visit again ? (Listing out such factors influencing our decision sounds very similar to a 'Principles of Management' theory question. The exam went fine though - very lengthy, very boring yet its gotta be done. That description sounds more like college lectures, though. )

Unusual planning is usually done by unusual people. But, this bunch of unusual people dont plan this unusual method of dining for the sake of simply dining. Its done for the sake of dining together - the most important part of the plan. Eating habits sometimes do die, but can be camouflaged for the sake of the others in the group.

On another matter, most of the students 'prepared' to write the Management exam were all secretly expecting a strike to appear and give us a few more days of peace (- now thats irony). Yet, the exam went on, with a few policemen snoozing at the gate, ready to act in case of any protests.

I guess people do get tired of strikes .....

[How do i describe this - ok, i'll be frank, its a boring post]
-- Frank Ranganathan (i did say i'll be frank)

{Strike while the iron is hot - anonymous}
We had no iron in our strike, but things did get hot.


At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Insightful blog... Especially the end.. Really good. Keep up the good work. Hope we can expect more blogs like this in the future.


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