Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blogging is booming. So, the blogger is back.

Its been a long time. A very long time. Almost one year. I apologize to all my loyal readers out there who have been yearning for my blog.Hence, by public demand, I have once again entered the blog zone.

A lot of stuff has happened in the past year. I see my last entry was when I went to Mayajaal. A million little, yet significant things have happened since then. I should have been spending more time on blogging rather than fritter my time away on orkut, google talk, etc. I have now officially re-entered the blog scene.

Blogs are becoming a large part of the modern day world. Yet, the word blog is still not particularly appealing to me. I know its the abbreviated form of 'Web Log'. But every time I hear it, It sounds like something that involves stomach upheaval and projectile vomiting. Try saying it out loud - its like blech : the word you say when you dont like the food you have tasted. Or more like blah : which is closer to home, because blah is what most of the bloggers are doing. Blogs are 90% blah. You have to agree that what you are reading right now is not exactly Shakespeare.

"To be, or not to be : That is the question" - Now that IS Shakespeare. So that makes my blog less blah.

Blogging is done by almost everybody on earth who has access to 24-hours-a-day internet. The best part is that Corporate Executives and Managers are getting in on the action too. But it isnt the way that you think it is. They get their secretaries or corporate tech writers to womp up a really witty blog. If it aint witty enough, they'll ask it to be full of witty quotes from really famous people who are wittier that the manager; thus the manager is able to establish a certain level of wittiness close to the wittiness level of the famous guys. (I guess I used the word witty too many times - that wasnt very witty of me.) I pity the people who work for managers. (Is that more than half the population on earth ?) Maybe the unemployed have it good. They are not bothered by managers, nor will they be able to tick me off (through comments on my blog) when I say that they cant blog, because they cant afford to have access to the internet. And they cant tick me off because I said those words as they dont have access to the internet. For people who didnt understand the babble that was my last two sentences, feel free to read it again. Dont read it a third time - I'll charge you for it. Now back to my topic - what was it - hmmmm - got sidetracked ... wait a minute. I'm unemployed - I have access to the internet. That totally screws up my own theory. I apologize to myself for trying to insult myself.

Here's an example of Corporate Blogging - through my favorite comic hero Dilbert, By Scott Adams.

Please dont sue me for putting these strips up without your permission, Scott Adams. I love your comic. (See above the pictures - I gave credit to the author - I hope thats enough - Great fan !!!) - This is if Scott Adams or someone from Dilbert reads my blog.

Updates on my life soon.

[Blogging on blogging - now there's a blog]

- Abhishek Ranganathan

{I have strong feelings about gun control. If there's a gun around, I want to be controlling it. - Clint Eastwood}


At 10:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

aah Soo confused.. Dunno whether the blog just started or ended.


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