Friday, September 22, 2006

A Big Mission Accomplished

Have you ever felt as if life is flying away with no time to do what you want ... that an hour of your life is under-rated ? I now think time has a special meaning in life, that each minute is precious. Dear God! - Do I feel old already? I'm hardly 20.

The above photo is just a panoramic photo of a small portion of my Sathyabama University. This was taken a few days before our holidays. After that I had to start preparing for my GRE, TOEFL exams.Just finished my GRE a few days ago. And my toefl two weeks ago. I first thought these two exams were going to be real headaches. But, interestingly, I found myself being deeply engrossed in the new words that I had started to learn. I liked the fact that I was able to implement dificult looking words in everyday english. Dont worry - I wont bore anybody by using unnecessary words, but it was a pleasant experience on the whole.

By the way, I got a 1460/1600 on my GRE. My TOEFL score hasnt come yet ... All I got was the Toefl range 243-300. I just hope I get an admission in a good University in the United States. Got my fingers crossed. After all the hectic studying for the two tests, I've just got the time for this blog. I'm gonna make it a habit to update my blog every week.

The GRE was a unique experience. I went in with the locker key provided. Sat down and wrote their confidentiality statement. Then started the test. With my issue essay being the first thing i had to attend, I started jotting down the required points on the rough paper provided. I finished with the points, stretched my arms and legs and blinked at the suddenly blank black computer

I looked down and saw what had happened.

I had switched off the computer when I stretched my leg.

I found new meaning to the word 'panic'.

I had always read about feelings of panic by characters in a book or seen it in a movie, but I always felt it to be artificial. I thought panic never occurs like that. However, It was clear in my mind that I was experiencing the perfect state of panic. I guess that was the only clear thing in my mind at that time. The entire welter of thoughts in my brain started sending out smoke signals. I raised my hand and furiously called the test center administrator. She came, She saw and She understood. I stuttered what had happened. She gave me a benign smile and switched it on again. It took around a minute, but the program came up again after I had switched it off with the same essay topics I had been given. The first true feelings of relief started to creep in after that. Though I had lost a couple of crucial minutes, I was glad I didnt have to pay $140 again for another exam. Everything else like the Argument essay, the Verbal section went smoothly. The Quantitative section was a tad tougher than usually expected, but still manageable.

TOEFL was a much easier ball game. It was really quite easy and I'm just waiting for my actual scores to come. Its been a long while since I saw any new movies or looked at any new game releases. Got to get back to all that.Now begins the process of applying to a few universities and hoping I get selected in one of them.

Life is blazing by me without me taking any notice. I need to slow down, see where this train is going and possibly check if this is the station I want to get down on. Too psychological, huh ? I dont know - my brain's still addled from all the thought processes filling it up. I need ways to relax - I mean mentally. I always relax physically - Its a natural state. I never do anything physical in my life, except maybe an hour or two of table tennis. I've found a few more outlets of mental relaxing. I've started my first mystery novel,which'll be done in a few months. I hope its good material.

I think I dropped my humor nerve somewhere in this blog, and I'm frantically searching for it. This has been a more thought provoking entry. Maybe the seriousness will fade out in a few days. Well ... See you till next week.

[A thought provoking attempt after the two biggest exams of my life]

- Abhishek Ranganathan

{ "There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't." - Unknown }


At 9:48 PM, Blogger H said...

Hey abhishek ,

Congratulations on your scores me u wont have problem getting into Western for sure ...hehehehe


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